Posted by Kari at 7:09 AM 2 comments
Hello out there! Since it has basically been 6 months since I have blogged, I thought I would finally post an update.
Posted by Kari at 2:03 PM 2 comments
Here are some pictures to tell the story of what we have been up too! Hope you enjoy.
Posted by Kari at 9:37 PM 5 comments
We are off to a great 2009 summer. Landon is doing a month of summer school this month for three days a week. We are in St. Louis right now while Nate is on a mission trip. We will all be home tomorrow! I think I have gained 10 pounds since we have been at my parents house this week. My Dad is out of town so it is just us three. We have eaten out lunch and dinner everyday! My shorts are a little tight today. Gotta love being spoiled by Gigi.
Posted by Kari at 10:09 PM 1 comments
Wow, do Monday's come too fast or what? I love to get back to my weekday routine but sometimes the weekends are too much fun. This past weekend we got to take Landon to Silver Dollar City for the first time. We have only lived in the area for about two years and hadn't been yet. I remember going as a kid, but it has sure changed. You still can't beat the famous ride called Fire in the Hole. :-) Landon was a little scared at first and after riding the roller coaster still didn't know what to say or do. I couldn't believe how fast a kids ride can go! Here are just a few pictures.
Posted by Kari at 5:41 PM 5 comments
Hello! Spring break is here for this household. As I picked Landon up for preschool on Thursday afternoon, I realized we started a ten day break from school. Wow, that is a very long time. I have gotten VERY spoiled in having my mornings to myself. I will have to say after three years, I deserve that now. Anyways, we are excited to see both sets of grandparents as well as Nate's brother's family. Nate will do some camp planning while we are in the great city of Hannibal.
I ask all of you that read this blog to start praying for one of my old college roommates Naomi and her family. You can read more by clicking on her name. Naomi has a great, strong, family. I knew Naomi's Mom and Dad in college and they are some sweet, sweet people. It has been a roller coaster for this family. Travis and Naomi adopted three girls from Liberia. As you see below, they are a fine looking bunch.
Posted by Kari at 8:45 PM 1 comments
Since we have entered in the preschool world, I have loved the themes that go along with the lesson plans. This week Landon was studying the letter "R" and it stood for rodeo. Mrs. Blankenship sent home a note for Landon to make a stick horse for rodeo week. Since I am not Mrs. Creative, we got in our cars and drove to Toys R Us to buy a stick horse. Since Grandma and Grandpa Bock were with us, they decided to actually buy the stick horse for Landon. Even better. Today was the last day of rodeo week and all the kids dressed up like cowboys or cowgirls. Landon was a "preppy cowboy."
Posted by Kari at 9:16 PM 6 comments